Bloganuary: What Brings You Joy in Life?

The prompt for yesterday was this question: “What brings you joy in life?” Connection. Connection to people and to God is what brings me joy the most consistently in life. The fragility of working on positive connection. The hope of setting up even more beautiful connections in the future. The organic interactions I have withContinue reading “Bloganuary: What Brings You Joy in Life?”

Guest Post on Joy in the Face of Fear

“…I felt my heart afraid to hope for anything. All I felt was this overwhelming feeling of fear and dread. I told her about these feelings and how they were clouding my judgment. I couldn’t make logical decisions that I needed to make because I was too afraid.”

God, our Father in Heaven

Many of us are familiar with this prayer from Matthew 6:9-13 which says, 9 Pray then like this: “Our Father in heaven,hallowed be your name.[a]10 Your kingdom come,your will be done,[b]    on earth as it is in heaven.11 Give us this day our daily bread,[c]12 and forgive us our debts,    as we also have forgiven our debtors.13 And lead us not into temptation,    but deliver us from evil.”[d]Continue reading “God, our Father in Heaven”

Do you ever feel like you just aren’t enough?

Do you ever feel like you just aren’t enough? Don’t do enough, can’t give enough? Everyone around you seems to do the best they can and you come up short, again. In your tone of voice, your work, your estimation of yourself, your weight, your style, your smarts, your ability to save money, to raiseContinue reading “Do you ever feel like you just aren’t enough?”

2019- Year in Review

2019 will always be the year I had my baby girl. She came to us “late” but early this year in February. Such a sweet gift and perfect addition to our family. I just finished playing with my son, laying beside each other laughing inside his tent. There’s nothing that fills my heart so muchContinue reading “2019- Year in Review”

What I wish They Told Me Before Having 2 Kids under 2

Here’s what I wish “they” would’ve told me before I had 2 kids under 2. Fall and Christmas plates & decor come back in season before you know it. Just leave them out! 🙂 You might feel like you are required to be the energizer bunny & pulled in many directions, but just breathe. It.will.all.come.together!Continue reading “What I wish They Told Me Before Having 2 Kids under 2”